Karan Johar’s Dharmaatic Production House is set to unveil its latest web series, “Showtime,” on Disney Plus Hotstar come March 8. Directed by Mihir Desai and Archit Kumar, the series marks the return of Imran Hashmi in his iconic ‘Serial Kisser’ persona, generating buzz with a viral teaser featuring a steamy lip kiss scene with co-star Mouni Roy. Promising to unravel the enigmatic world behind Bollywood’s scenes, the show boasts a stellar cast, including Mahima Makwana, Rajeev Khandelwal, and Shriya Saran. Anticipation is building as viewers look forward to a compelling narrative filled with drama and mystery when “Showtime” hits the streaming platform.
Imran Hashmi’s on-screen charisma, combined with the intriguing storyline, sets the stage for a captivating viewing experience. As the curtain rises on the hidden facets of the entertainment industry, the audience can expect a perfect blend of star power and gripping storytelling. With its imminent release on Disney Plus Hotstar, “Showtime” aims to leave a lasting impression on fans of the digital streaming landscape.