CIEL Motion Pictures Reveals ‘Dreamcatcher’ Poster

CIEL Motion Pictures just unveiled their debut film, “Dreamcatcher,” with stunning first-look posters. This marks an exciting beginning for both the production company and director Sandeep Kakula. The event, held at the Film Chamber in Hyderabad, was filled with energy and excitement, showcasing the talent and innovation behind the movie.

Lead actors Prashant Krishna, Aneesha Dama, Srinivas Ramireddy, Aishwarrya Holakkal, and producer Sandeep Kakula all came together to present their hard work to the world. Director Sandeep Kakula expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the support of his family and his confidence that “Dreamcatcher” will be a hit.

Prashant Krishna described the experience of working on the film as incredibly fulfilling, while Aneesha Dama expressed her appreciation for being part of such an innovative project. With the expertise of music director Rohan Shetty and cinematographer Praneet Gautam Nanda, “Dreamcatcher” promises to be a game-changer for Telugu cinema as the first dream-based psychological thriller in the language.

Audiences can look forward to an engaging story featuring a talented ensemble cast. Let’s come together to wish “Dreamcatcher” a successful journey ahead.