Samantha Ruth Prabhu Masters the High Leg Kick Move

Samantha Ruth Prabhu, known for her roles in Telugu and Tamil films, is also someone who takes her health seriously. She doesn’t just stick to boring workouts. Instead, she mixes things up to keep her body in great shape and her mind feeling good.

She’s all about variety in her workouts. From cycling and running to lifting weights and doing yoga, she does it all. And it’s not just the usual stuff either. She likes to spice things up with aerial yoga, rope and weight training, and even workouts without any equipment.

Recently, Samantha shared some snapshots on Instagram showing off her high kick practice. And let’s be honest, she looks amazing doing it! She’s not just about looking good though. Samantha has been open about her struggles with depression and Myositis, a muscle disease, sharing her journey on podcasts like ‘Take20’.

Through her Instagram account, Samantha doesn’t just flaunt her workouts; she shares her fitness tips and tricks too. Her latest clip, where she’s nailing a bold high leg kick move, is just more proof of her commitment to staying fit and inspiring others along the way.