Iconic superstar Allu Arjun, who has been making headlines following the controversy surrounding Pushpa 2, recently took a spiritual detour with his family. The actor visited the sacred Kamakhya Temple in Assam, seeking blessings alongside his loved ones. Known for his grounded personality, Allu Arjun’s spiritual visit comes amidst all the buzz surrounding his much-anticipated movie.
After their peaceful trip to Assam, the Allu family is now back home, and glimpses from their daily life have surfaced on social media. Allu Arjun’s wife, Allu Sneha Reddy, took to Instagram to share heartwarming snapshots of their daughter, Allu Arha, having a delightful time at home. In the adorable pictures, Arha is seen playing with her puppies, Kazoku, melting hearts online.
Fans were quick to flood the comments section, calling the pictures “adorable” and praising the family for maintaining such a beautiful balance between stardom and simplicity. Meanwhile, the buzz around Pushpa 2 continues to grow, with fans eagerly waiting to see what Allu Arjun has in store this time.
What do you think about these cute family moments shared by Sneha? Let us know in the comments below!